Sunday, July 10, 2005

Ford 601 WORKMASTER Hydraulics

Someone once asked me if I knew anything about the hydraulics on the Ford 601 WorkMaster. Well I replied that I do not. I still don't know much, but I know where the hydraulic pump is. It is the item in the picture that kind of looks like a starter. When sitting in the driver seat this would be the right side of the engine.

The following two pics might give you a better idea of where. A lot of people look to the back of the tractor, but nope it is right there, next to the oil dipstick.

My father-in-law had to take it into the shop as the hydraulics had stopped functioning. The repair shop (repairs about anything - not a tractor specialty place or anything) actually drained the transmission fluid as they were trying to find the hydraulics themselves.

The starter is actually on the other side.

1 comment:

used car loans said...

It's interesting to learn about the hydraulics of this Ford model.