Monday, July 11, 2005

Concatenating - Additional Note

Something to think about is that you can put any text in between the quotes when concatenating. There was information within State Government that we wanted to use in a Notes database. I would have thought I could easily get someone to e-mail me the info in electronic format, but as that was not turning out to be a quick process, and most of the information was posted on the web I simply scraped (copied and pasted) some information off of the other agencies site and popped it into Excel. One of the pieces missing was the individuals e-mail addresses. As I had the first and last names and knew the format of their e-mail addresses, it was simple to create the e-mail addresses. Once I had all the data that was needed I gave it to the Notes developer and they imported it into the database.


Note: The use of the e-mail addresses was for legitimate business correspondence, I do not condone spam.

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