Saturday, March 26, 2005

Blogger T-Shirts

Hey Google. I've got an idea for you. You sell the Blogger T-Shirt (style 1, style 2), but why not allow one to personalize it by allowing one to put their own blogger address on it. Possibly selecting front, back, or both. I think you would find people willing to pay for the customization.

Blogger T


T / Kitty said...

How cool would that look if there is another Birds of a Feather session for bloggers at Lotusphere 06!

Bonj said...

That would be cool. Especially if I could be there. :-)

T / Kitty said...

Was a hanger-on this year and even at that remove I loved it. I get to be a real partaker this year (in the sense I get to wear a badge and so get into anything I want!) as I will be helping on fiance's (by then husband's) stand in the showcase.

If you get to go let me know.