Saturday, January 20, 2007

Numbers Numbers - Four and Five...Playboy Bunny

I'll combine the 5 things into the 1st part of the 4 things and take care of 2 of these things going around in 1.

Four, I mean Five Things You May Not Have Known About Me

1. I got 2nd in State (Kansas) in doubles in bowling in 1976.

2. I lived with my mom and two sisters in Beloit, KS for 4 years after my parents divorced and then moved back to Missouri with my dad.

3. I am the middle kid. I have a sister 3 years older and one 7 years younger. I have step-brothers and step-sisters as well.

4. I had German Measles (Rubella) when I was 10.

5. I had my picture taken with a Playboy bunny when I was 8. It was taken in the Astrodome in Houston, TX.

Four Jobs I've Had in My Life

1. Cook at Long John Silver's

2. Telemarketing Agent at Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, MO

3. Data entry operator at Scholastic

4. Car Salesmen (for one day)

Four Movies I Would Watch Over and Over

1. Gone in 60 Seconds
2. The Italian Job
3. Ronin
4. Transporter 2

Four TV Shows I Like to Watch

1. MotorWeek
2. CSI - The original one
3. 2 1/2 Men
4. The First 48

Four places I've Been on Vacation

1. Iowa The #2 Spring Break Destination - okay, not really
2. South Dakota
3. New Mexico
4. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Four of my Favorite Foods

1. #1 - My wife's Chinese Chicken
2. Spicy Chinese food in general
3. Spicy Mexican Food
4. Next I would have to go with candy or beer. :-)

Four Places You'd Rather Be Right Now

1. Standing outside the Lottery Commission, waiting to turn in the winning Powerball Ticket.

2. Riding Dune Buggies in Puerto Vallarta.

3. Cruising around Fiorano in about any Ferrari.

4. 4th would probably have to be right where I am. I am pretty happy here.

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