Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Limited posting

My posting is definitely limited now that I am one handed for now.

I went back to the doctor yesterday as it appeared to be hurting more than I would suspect after a week. I seemed to hurt more up at the wrist area on both sides. The x-ray tech said that is about where it is broken.

Oh well, the doctor came in and basically said what do you expect, YOUR ARM IS BROKEN. He said there appears to be enough room in the cast and if he made it looser anywhere then it would not be providing the support it needs and as far as the rubbing on the thumb, he said it is going to rub. Great, thanks doc. He said not to do anything with the hand, before he said use the fingers as much as I could. I was basically using the index finger for typing on the left side of the keyboard as turning the wrist to use all fingers hurt to much. He now says don't use it at all, even the index finger, so typing is extremely slow. Oh well, not much I can do except wait five more weeks.

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