I went for an MRI of the lumbar section of my spine today. I asked the Rad Tech if he got any good pics and he showed me what he got. I have a bulging disk at L5, but the doctor will need to look at it to make a diagnosis and recommend a course of action.
Everybody keeps saying, that kind of stuff happens when you hit 40. Ugh!
Dude... you're falling apart! :-)
Isn't that the truth. I'm on the mend with the finger and have been living with the back problem on and off for years, so I would say I'll make it.
I'm sixteen and i have the same exact thing. we found mine because i have foot and leg pain and no feeling in my foot. i still need nerve studies but its weird having it when your sixteen.
That is to bad. Luckily I have been able to push off any drastic measures with some physical therapy and back exercises. I imagine someday it will all catch up with me and I'll have to do something else. Best of luck with your situation.
Same thing with my back, only 17 years old though :( my doc said core exercises. Not sure how severe all this is though yet.
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