Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sametime Web Client

I read Alan Lepofsky's post "Sametime Chat with IBM Employees", and followed it to Christopher Pepin's post, and within that post to a previous post of his, and ultimately to the IBM Collaboration page. I clicked on signin under Instant Messaging, and signed in with my IBM ID (Not an employee, just a subscriber to Lotus products). The site uses the Sametime Connect for Browsers client. I was able to add some IBMers (Lotusers) I know of. Alan said in his post to log-on and send a hello. After adding a few with none being on, I signed on at lunch today to see if anyone was on. Ed Brill was on. I popped him up and as has always been the case with e-mail as well, quickly received a response. I added my local IBM rep, but he was not on.

It could be a handy tool at times. As much of the Instant Messaging traffic is blocked at work I had also kind of wondered what luck I would have. Not a problem.

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